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Minutes of our Meeting of 29th September 2022 Venue: Coral Star Taverna Coral Bay Cyprus

Present: Bob, Patti, Mike White, Rick and June

On Skype: John

The meeting commenced promptly at 10.30a.m.

Rick read Chapter 19 of his current novel which travels back in time to acquaint us with what happened to Isaac Gold after he and his family were taken prisoner by the Germans on July 19 1942.

John read through Act 1 of a script he adapted from a previously written short story entitled “Kids Army.’ The action is based on 'Dad’s Army' and takes place during the War.

June shared some extracts from her book 'Tears & Symphony' recalling her Wartime Childhood Memories.

Patti also read a homework contribution 'Food for Harvest Festival' recounting a scrumping adventure when she was young.

Mike gave everyone food for thought with his “Early Memories of Late’ - a first person’s account of being killed in a car crash but through his psyche was able to observe and tap into those of close family members, before finally departing this world.

Bob read Chapter 16 of 'Breathe Free', warning everyone beforehand of some of its risqué content! Was it his suntan, or perhaps a blush?

Suggested subject for next week “Where do we go from here?’




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