Fine writers should split hairs together, and sit side by side, like friendly apes, to pick the fleas from each other’s fur’
Logan Pearsall Smith
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MINUTES OF OUR MEETING 4TH JAN 2024 VENUE: Coral Star Taverna Pegeia Cyprus
AT VENUE: Rick, Mike, Patti and Jackie
SKYPE: John, June, Bobby, Peter, Irene and Bob.
June’s book is published at last – CONGRATULATIONS!
Irene – Christmas Past.
A nostalgic look back at childhood Christmases, Presents which she still has in the attic, Friends who have passed away, happy memories, comparing them with modern day Christmas. No comparison.
Patti – Serandipity.
Looking back to the 1990’s when she tried ‘speed dating’, just for a laugh with her friends striking up a relationship with Michael who she still has today! True serendipity.
Bobby – Ch.8 LONDON
The travelling magpie group take shelter in an alley where the fox attacks the waste bins looking for food. They meet a Siamese cat who wants to help them and suggests that they take a train to get out of London quickly.
Rick – Stane Street Ch 5
Pulborough to Sinfield Carrying on Ricks U Tube journey we pass a retired race horse centre, a country brewery and Billingshurst. Railway systems came in the 1800’s only to be ripped up gain one hundred years later.
Mike – Christmas Past/Passed
A nostalgic look back to the days of post war rationing, simple Christmas presents and entertainment. Compared with present-day money-orientated celebrations. Which do you prefer?
Peter – Play reading.
Amusing story carries on with members reading the parts. Virgil and James vie for the inheritance of father’s title. Nervous Osold meets Sister Donna who has taken a vow of silence. More madcap capers.
Jackie – Christmas Past.
Memories of Infant school, Fireworks, cold weather, being hospitalized over Christmas, operations on both legs, being in plaster for months, missing a whole year of school, then spending next Christmas at her brother’s house. More interesting Nostalgia.
A Brisk meeting giving rise to lots of people recalling their times in Christmas past…….