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Minutes of meeting: 14th November 2019 Venue Neo’s Sport’s Club, Pegeia.

Present:- John Goodwin, Caroline Harman-Smith, Ann Joyce, June Magennis, Michael White, Derek Whittle, Paul Trebess, David Greensmith, Bob Barker.

Apologies:- Rich Palmer Jennie Rook.

The meeting began with readings from those who had completed the ‘homework-prompt’ (re-write a well-known story in a different genre!)

Mike W read ‘The Longest Story’ – a clever retake on Jack & Jill written in the style of a Family Saga

Derek read, the tragic-sad tale of ‘Giovanni & Giulliana’ – an imaginative Rom-Com style re-telling of Jack & Jill.

David read ‘The Fatal Decision’ – a very informative historical analysis on Mary Queen of Scots (Historical non-fiction)

Paul T read the story of ‘Barny & Gemima’ – a cleverly re-worked version of the ‘Owl & The Pussycat’ written as Historical Fiction

Ann J read a marvelous poem she has written titled ‘Out Of The Darkness’ – an evocative

story of wartime escape, full of wonderful imagery.

Caroline introduced the group to the work of the American thriller / crime writer James Lee Burke and gave examples of his style. This prompted a round-the-table review of what members are currently reading. It was an incredibly varied list ranging from James Lee Burke to biography, via Pat Barker, James Joyce and others.

Over and following coffee an interesting discussion continued over the merits and demerits of using ‘profane’ language in writing – some like it, some don’t – before things degenerated into sordid descriptions of rather degenerative workplace initiation practices!!!

Readings finished with JOHN G’s witty & twisty ‘Chic-Lit’ version ‘Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe size.’ followed by Bob B’s second chapter of his current in-progress, a Cyprus-based thriller ‘A Killing Place In The Sun’.

John set next week’s writing prompt as ‘TERROR’ or ‘Torture’ Take your pick.

The meeting ended at 12.00 with some members choosing to continue discussion over liquid refreshment.

Thanks to all who attended – Next Meeting at Neos, on 21st November, which will be Ann and Bob’s last until they return next.

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