Minutes of our Meeting of 29 April 2021 Venue Skype only.

Greetings fellow writers. Present at today's meeting: June. Jennie. Jennifer. Gina. Rick. John. Bob. Dee. Nikki.

Many thanks to Gina, presenting the meeting and for all administration issues, and Dee for taking the minutes.


Readings began with:

Rick: 'Family matters' chapter 22 1946-47 in Canada the continuing WW11 story.

Thanks to Rick for sharing the 2021 guide to manuscript publishers.

Gina: 'Rescue part Two' an excerpt from her autobiography. The experience of her leg injury and hospital visit. Substituting snow for sand from last week’s prompt.

John: ‘Just a Walk’ a short poem based on the sandstorm prompt from last week.

Coffee break 11 55 1210

Nikki: chapter 33. Of her work in progress 'Killer genes' incorporating the encounter of a Coptic storm from last week's prompt.

June: 'A winter's tale' Inspired from last week's prompt. A memoir of a snowstorm, whilst working with the orchestra.

Bob: Next chapter from his work in progress 'Woman Across the Street'

Jennifer: 'The problem with rubbish' A very clever poignant in content poem.

Dee: 'A whisper' a short poem.

Jennifer: a development of her project 'Elle the Cyprus Hunting Dog' Intended to encourage children to be more aware of all the wildlife around them.

Next week’s Writing prompt, A challenge: Write a story

using 10-15 words from the attached list.

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Meeting closed at 1pm. Thanks to all that virtually attended see you next week.
