Minutes of the meeting 7 November 2019 Venue Neos Sports Club, Pegeia.

Greetings scribes, a well-attended meeting with lots of stories and discussion on ‘Plots’.

Present: John Goodwin, Rich Palmer, Caroline Harman-Smith, Ann Joyce, June Magennis, Michael White, Derek Whittle, Paul Trebess, David Greensmith, Bob Barker.

The meeting commenced with John handing out information notes describing what

Constitutes ‘A plot’. You will find a copy in our tutorials page.


Derek Story Writing by Numbers.

Paul Story Plotless.

Caroline Story This Blessed Plot.

Coffee break 11.00.am to 11.15.am

Ann Poem A plot.

(This poem will be posted on our new Poetry Page soon)

Following on from the notes on plot, a writing exercise followed.

By drawing lots attendees were assigned a particular genre of writing and asked to start rewriting the story of Jack and Jill going up the hill to fetch a pale of water in their assigned idiom.

Home writing prompt: Choose a well-known story and rewrite it in a genre of your choice.

Thanks to all who attended, next meeting 14.11.19 at Neos.
