Minutes of PWG Meeting 13/07/17


Jordi Guri (JGu), John Goodwin (JG) Nikki Burrows (NB)

Jennie Rook (JR) Caroline (C) Eddie Kent (EK) Stewart(S)

The meeting commenced at 10am and was chaired by JG, who welcomed everyone.


The members were then invited to read out their offerings, but nobody had prepared anything on this occasion.


There then followed deep discussion regarding the characters for the project. JG pointed out that there was to be no lead character, not point of view. It would only be a “fly on the wall” perspective confined to the single area/room in which the characters are stuck, thus nothing thought could be reported unless it was relayed in gestures/body language/discussion/dialogue with another character. For more detail please follow go to the Events page or scroll down and click on “Project Notes #1” to download the word document and read the guidelines.

It was agreed that the precept for the situation is a military coup.

It was said that everything must be written as if a camera/microphone, (or a number of them) was recording the action and that show rather than tell would be the most effective concept.

S then read out what he had written so far for his character, followed by critique and discussion.

C then read out what he had written so far for her character, followed by critique and discussion.

NB asked for all character profiles to be available to everyone so that any necessary interaction could be discussed between the relevant authors and so that facts would be consistent.

At the end of the meeting JG asked that all of those members who wished to participate in the project indicate their interest as soon as possible via email to JG, along with their character profiles which should be as complete as possible.

The meeting concluded at 12.00.
