We are proud to announce our poem of the Month. So appropriate for this special day. Where Were You

Where were you when the world stood still

And all those people died

When the towers of death came tumbling down

And the whole world cried

Where were you when the towers were hit

And the whole world stood still

When suicide pilots crashed their planes

Not knowing how many they'd kill

Can you remember where you were

When all of this occurred

When the towers of death came tumbling down

And a deafening sound was heard

Where were you on that fateful day

When the innocents boarded the plane

Not knowing death flew with them

In disguise of men insane

Where were you when the screaming started

High above your head

When the innocent called their loved ones

To tell them they'd soon be dead

Can you remember where you were

On that sad September day

When high up in the gathering clouds

Passengers did pray

Where were you when emergency services

Rushed up to the scene

Then bravely ran into the building

Never again to be seen

Where were you on September the 11th

In the year 2001

When thousands of people lost their lives

In the towers and the pentagon

Do you remember where you were

On the day those terrorists flew

I'll never forget where I was

And I hope I never do
